Interested In Signing Up to Become A Member?
Interested In Signing Up to Become A Member?
It’s Free! Join Today & Get Access to All of Our In-Person & Virtual Programming
To become a member of the MS Dream Center, simply fill out the application form below. Upon submission, a member of our staff will be in touch with you within 48-72 business hours to confirm your submission and help answer any questions that you may have. PLEASE NOTE: You must wait until a member of our team contacts you regarding your application before you can officially join our in-person or virtual programming. Please contact us directly if you have any questions or do not hear from us accordingly.
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
Our partners and sponsors play a vital role in helping the MS Dream Center fulfill its mission of supporting individuals with Multiple Sclerosis and their loved ones. Through their generous contributions, we’re able to provide free programs, resources, and a sense of community to those who need it most. Their commitment and collaboration make a lasting impact, empowering lives and spreading hope. We are deeply grateful for their support.
Phone Number
(401) 383-8878
300 Toll Gate Road • Suite 104
Warwick, RI 02886
Email Address